Right now, with the pandemic, times are HARD for musicians, stage artists and performers.
Really hard.
No in-person performances, teaching hustled onto online platforms, lack of opportunities, uncertainty and long-term future instability.
But is this different from normal? Or is it just a matter of degree?
And why is it that some people seem to thrive while others are barely surviving?
After all, this is global, this affects everybody.
So why hasn't it evened up the odds? Why are there some people who are making even these difficult times work for them and others who... well, who are just not.
If you know me at all, you'll know what I believe - that our major roadblocks are not external, but that they lie, often buried deep in our unconscious, inside us.
Back in 2011 I was STUCK. And fed up. And frustrated. Wanting to perform more as a violinist, but I had all these thoughts:
- I don't know how to make this happen
- There are so many amazing violinists out there, there isn't space for me
- It's going to be so hard
- There isn't any money in performance
- I'm not good enough
- Etc. etc.
Thank goodness I stumbled on EFT Tapping.
Because through using this energy technique (and many others) I was able to change my thinking and start to take whole new action.
- Like creating my own violin and guitar duo, playing concerts and making two CDs.
- Like writing, repeatedly, (and it was HARD to be so persistent) to the manager of a local orchestra until they took me on.
- Like accepting jobs that were scary... but ultimately led to more and more opportunites and my pre-Covid work, two seasons in a musical.
So where did I have these blocks?
I joke that they were too numerous to pin down - but when I started to put together a program for other musicians, stage artists and creatives, I grouped them into 7 MAJOR AREAS.
- SELF-BELIEF (which includes, self-confidence, perfectionism, etc)
- VISIBILITY (self-promotion, social media, reaching out)
- MONEY (limiting beliefs specific to us starving artists as well as more general ones.)
- REJECTION & JOB INSECURITY (that comes with a lot of BAD memories)
- MY SUCCESS & OTHER PEOPLE (how will your family, colleagues, teachers, friends react if you become much more successful?)
- SUSTAINIBILITY (the unseen downside to success which can block us and seem totally unfathomable)
- CREATING A VISION (did you ever? do you dare? do you give up before you start? how much do you limit your possibilites?)
As you can see, this is a LOT. And they bring up a lot of VERY UNCOMFORTABLE emotions.
Like fear, sadness, frustration, shame, even despair.
There may be some areas which you can't relate to at all. But working with hundreds of people over the last year I know that these are very prevalent and can be very challenging.
And in order to make them manageable, they have to be mentionable!!
Which of the areas do you find most challenging and which would you LOVE to be bothered less by (or even NOT AT ALL)?
Check out my brand-new group program Fast Track to Fame coming in April 2021 where we'll be looking in-depth AND clearing the BIG 3 of these roadblocks - self-belief, visibility and money.
Allowing you to move forward towards the success, recognition and joy that you reallyย signed up for as a musician, stage artist and creative.