Are you procrastinating on things you know you SHOULD be doing, COULD be doing and really WANT to be doing?
What goal, project, daily practice or habit are you dragging your heels on?
- Is it contacting that new agent to represent you?
- Or losing excess weight and feeling healthy again?
- Or sorting out your medical insurance situation?
- Or writing and publishing a book?
- Or something entirely different??
And how tired are you of being stuck? Of struggling, feeling out of will-power and fed up with the status quo...
Join me for this interactive, workshop intensive.
1. Discover the 5 Layers You Must Break Through to go from Stuck & Procrastinating to Enthusiasm, Confidence & Action!
2. Heal & Clear the Scary Self-Talk, the Painful Feelings & the Energetic Barriers which keep you Frozen in Indecision, Self-Doubt & Uncertainty
3. Discover the 5 Walls of Resistance that are Blocking You and How to Tear Them Down!
4. Know the #1 Thing You Have to Do Next and Start Taking Action right away.
All this and much more!
- Work/Playsheet to keep all your A-HA moments & insights in one place!
- Breakthrough Tapping Scripts - Clear your stuff as it arises in real life
- Get Unstuck Meditation - Calm your nervous system & gently move into action
- Connection with other like-minded, amazing people who are also going for their dreams
- Etc Etc.
This is a one-off, hands-on, healing workshop on Wednesday June 12th, 11am to 2pm Eastern.
- 8am to 11am Pacific
- 4pm to 7pm UK
- 5pm to 8pm Central European time.
We'll be live and in real time on Zoom.
And if you can't be there for the whole thing, I've got you! I'll share the Replay ASAP afterwards.
SIGN UP HERE to grab your spot and get unstuck,
Any questions? Scroll down to see FAQs.
If you love the idea of some intensive, deep, one-on-one time with me, working directly on whatever is blocking your progress, use this special VIP LINK to add on 3 private one-hour sessions for a total of JUST $494 USD.
Schedule these sessions before or after the workshop - contact me for advice on how best to use them to get maximum benefit and we'll work out a plan of action together.
But does this work?
Read what Jean, one of my wonderful clients, had to say after a recent group session.

Sign up for the workshop HERE and I look forward to your breakthrough!!
What does the actual workshop consist of?
A 3-hour live, online group experience with me, where we'll be uncovering (via visualizations, questions, discussion etc) and healing (chiefly using EFT and other energy techniques) and getting into action.
What else is there?
I will send you a work/playsheet for you to print out and fill in during the Procrastination Breakthrough Process; email access to me the week of the workshop with any of your questions; the chance to upgrade to VIP level at any stage.
What time is the Workshop in my time zone?
We'll run from 11am to 2pm Eastern. That's:
8am-11am Pacific
4pm to 7pm UK
5pm to 8pm Central European Time.
Click to calculate your time zone
What if I can't be there for the whole workshop (or any of it!)?
Don't worry! I will send out the video replay of the session right afterwards. And beforehand you are welcome to share your answers to the handout I'll send you - that way I can include your stuff in the tapping.
Where do we meet for the workshop?
On Zoom – I will send you a link to the call and several reminders!
Can I invite a friend to do the course?
Yes, absolutely. And let me know that they are coming from you and I will give you - with thanks - a complimentary 30 minute Tapping session.
I’ve never done EFT tapping – is that a problem?
Tapping is such a simple process and can be learned in minutes. Here’s a quick introductory video and more information so you can familiarize yourself with the process. I will also answer any questions you may have in the live call.
I think I’d like to work with you 1:1 because I know I have a lot going on in this area. Is that possible? Do I have to decide that now?
The 1:1 VIP option can be accessed at any time right before or after the course as things come up for you. I would be honored to work with you and help to clear whatever is important for you. The VIP option is priced at $494 for the entire workshop and 3 private 60-minute sessions. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact me.
I got so much value from your program. Can I donate some more to show my appreciation?
Yes, of course! Donations are certainly NOT required but are very much appreciated.
I have a different question - how can I contact you?
Just email me and I'll respond right away as best I can.