"You now have in your hands a fantastic guide that can help you find your way out - a way to create a life you really love.'' - Brad Yates

"Most people die with their music still locked up inside them."
- Benjamin Disraeli
Don't let this be you!
This thoughtful - and yet practical - best seller will help you:
- Move into the life and career that you really love
- Use EFT (‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ or ‘Tapping’) to change your beliefs about yourself and become successful
- Meditate easily, quickly seeing benefits in your life
- Use writing exercises to discover your ‘passion’ and feel great about your life and yourself
- Make a ‘blueprint’ – set your goal and create a 1 Year Action Plan
Book Reviews:
...a rare combo: a delight to read and at the same time a highly useful personal-growth guide.
Jenny tells her own story with great charm and panache. Along the way, she delivers a ton of thought-provoking, action-provoking information to help us follow in her footsteps.
Elaine MacDonald - Author and Online Marketer
... an invaluable tool for my own use to really look at my life, my dreams and my accomplishments
It's a beautifully written work that starts with the authors early life, her lost dreams, the nurturing of inner fears and recurrent memories of failure and "if only's".
This part is a deeply personal account and is painfully honest and at times heartbreaking to read. The author then moves quickly on to her way of not only dealing with these doubts and self inhibitions, but learning to overcome and master them to the point where the author feels empowered and in control of her own future direction and happiness.
This is an account of the authors life on full show, warts an' all, in a humorous, honest and moving way.The passion for her music and her latter belief in her dream being attainable, pours out of the pages. And this enthusiasm for life and bringing out "the music inside" of oneself is contagious.
Shaun Griffiths, Author of 'Cats and Dogs' and 'Shifters Alliance'
... for anyone who has a dream they’ve pushed to the background
The author shows us the steps she took to conquer her fears and follow her dreams. And she shares the tools she used and how she used them.
I particularly liked the EFT and meditation sections, but there are other tools she describes (including affirmations, gratitude, inspiration and more)… and there are exercises and charts that make things easy to follow. The author has a humorous and relatable voice. An inspirational read.
Davina Chessid, Author of 'Food Crazy Mind'
... learn how to summon your sidelined dreams back into your life to live purposefully and fulfilled
After I finished reading ‘The Music Inside’ and began to practice the exercises, I rediscovered a few dreams of mine that I have planted on the sidelines for “after I get this project done.”
My projects, albeit small, have kept accumulating while my dreams watch me stay busy as I move project after project to the front of the line. If your dreams sit on the sideline with diminishing faith that they’ll get in the game of your life, ‘The Music Inside’ by Jenny Clift guides you to reclaim and live your dream; the dream that fulfills your purpose on this earth.
Berta Bauer, Lighthouse Coaching and Retreats
Music is life!
I was immediately hooked on this book when I saw the book cover and title. Reading the actual book was even better.
I love reading stories about people who overcome adversity and find their passion and this was one of the best stories that I have read. Living your life and making tough choices is never easy and the author has had an amazing journey well worth reading about.
The free resources that are offered in the book are great and I loved the worksheets. This book is well worth going out of your way to read.
Paul Brodie, Brodie Consulting Group
Yes! I want to buy it now!*
*Kindle and print versions available.