Solopreneurs & Start-Ups: The Inner Game to Success (or Failure)

You’ve seen the statistics.

80% of small businesses fail within the first two years. Or maybe you’ve heard 50%.

No matter. Either way, that’s a lot of people who’ve had an idea, got really excited, decided it was worth following, did a lot of work and put their business out there.

And then seen their hopes and dreams dashed – wasting a lot of time, money and effort in the process.

So, what is going on? It can’t all be dodgy organizations using businesses to launder money, or individuals who had such a poor idea in the first place that it was never going to be viable.

How about you? Are you all fired up to start your own business?

There’s talk, too, about the economy, about crazy competition, and the difficulty to be a success in today’s market.

But SOME PEOPLE DO SUCCEED!! Despite everything. Even solopreneurs.

Even people without huge amounts of money or organizations to back them up.

So why do they succeed and not others?

I believe there is not enough focus on the INNER GAME.

And, having created and started to grow my own solo-business over the last couple of years – and worked with many others who are in the process – I have become very aware of the inner road-blocks on this entrepreneurial highway.

I would place these inner blocks into 3 categories:

  1. Scary Emotions

2. Limiting Beliefs

3. Business resistance

Here are 3 examples of each to give you an idea of the strength of the inner game we are up against.

Scary emotions #1. Fear – of being criticized, of marketing our business, of being ignored, of contacting others, of failing.
Scary emotions #2. Doubt – quite quickly we can begin to talk ourselves out of this solo-business venture. What if it won’t work? What if I’m not cut out for entrepreneurship?
Scary emotions #3. Sadness – I’ve tried so many things and failed, why should this be any different? This feels so lonely, it doesn’t feel good to do it on my own.


Limiting belief #1: I don’t know what to do next – no one’s there telling us what steps to take and although we may have a vague idea, there is often a lot of resistance to taking action.
Limiting belief #2: This is not happening fast enough – that feeling that we want it NOW, that we should have achieved this already, that it’s all just taking too long.
Limiting belief #3: I’m completely wasting my time – this is often a 3 in the morning belief, but can strike at any time, over large or small business decisions…and it can stop us in our tracks, or make the way very rough.


Specific business resistance #1: No business plan.

Specific business resistance #2: No website.

Specific business resistance #3: Pricing my services.


You know if you are resisting any of these!

So what can you do to play this inner game to win?

Again, the magic number, 3! Here’s a countdown:

3. First of all, I advocate AWARENESS.

Start to listen to your inner voices, to how they put the brakes on, stop you from moving forward. You can do that by journaling, meditation and by talking it through with others.

2. Next, CLEARING.

This is where EFT tapping can be so helpful. Especially focused, directed tapping. On the fears, the limiting beliefs and the specific resistance that comes up as you start and grow your business.

1. And to give yourself every chance of success, to be a winner, you need ACES!

This is where a group comes in. Where you can get:
A – Advice and Accountability
C – Celebration
E – Encouragement
S – Support.

You can absolutely go this alone, but YOU DON’T HAVE TO!
Join me in March 2019 for 21 Days of Tapping for Solopreneurs.
Here’s all the info, about the group, the course content, pricing, and dates.

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