One of the Tapping Techniques that I love the most is what I call 'Real-Time Tapping'.
Or, in this case, Reel-Time Tapping!!
Basically, it's a bit like doing a mock-runthrough or mock-audition, but with LOTS of tapping interspersed. That way we deal in real-time with the:
- Negative thoughts & limiting beliefs
- Uncomfortable feelings - both emotional and physical
- Bad memories, recent and distant
- Stuck energy connected to all of the above
This particular session started normally, with Lisa-Marie explaining her challenging situation.
She had a professional recording coming up, for a series of voice-overs: infomercials, ad jingles and commentaries, in a mix of different styles and voices. This was to be her show-reel, to share with agencies and professional organizations.
Everything was going fairly well and she had the excerpts well-rehearsed and well-timed, flowing easily for the most part.
But some unhelpful comments and feedback from a coach - 'Too fast! No, too slow! NOT like that! - meant she was beginning to doubt herself and her performance.
And she was beginning to dread the recording due a few days later. There was a lot riding on this, a new direction in her professional life and potentially a successful and lucrative career.
In our session we tapped on these recent comments and how they had made her feel and started to clear some of the emotions around these recent comments.
As is so often the way with EFT Tapping, that brought up old memories. In this case of her first singing teacher and her very first lesson.
It's crazy how these can stick in our mind and body for decades unless we deal with them. With more tapping we brought those old, limiting beliefs of 'you're doing it all wrong', 'you'll never make it' down from an 8 to a 3.
And one of the things I love about these sessions is that I get to hear incredible performances! Several times over!
Because Lisa-Marie was - is - GREAT at her craft!
And as she released the thoughts and feelings which were creating hesitation and resistance, it was like the sun coming out!
At the same time the tapping sneakily reduces cortisol and other stress hormones and helps to rewire the brain - to change it to a positive, expansive experience, one that you're excited to take forward into the real world!
Here's how she felt after our call:

And since then she contacted me to say:
So that is awesome and I'm really, really happy with how it went. Thank you SO much!”
HUGE THANKS to Lisa-Marie - for doing this deep work together and for letting me share her story. ❤️
- Think of your own challenging situation.
- Rate any negative feelings - both emotions and physical feelings - on a scale of 0-10.
- Tap round the points (you can find them HERE) as you acknowledge the thoughts and feelings.
- After a few rounds of tapping, stop and check in with yourself.
- Tap on any stories, memories, beliefs and patterns that come up for you.
Want help?
If YOU have a recording, audition, performance or challenging situation coming up, and you'd like to do some Real-Time Tapping, don't hesitate to reach out! You don't need to put up with the fears and doubts any more!
Set up a free 30-Minute TAPPING DISCOVERY CALL and we'll start clearing right away!