My EFT Article in The Strad Magazine
The Strad Magazine, read world-wide by top-level players, makers and string enthusiasts, features my article EFT for Performanc
The Strad Magazine, read world-wide by top-level players, makers and string enthusiasts, features my article EFT for Performanc
It seems to me there are two kinds of people in the world:ย People who love...
Lisa-Marie, a voice actor & singer, used Real-Time Tapping to create an amazing professional voice-over recording reel.
Got something you should be doing? Take these 5 easy steps to beat your procrastination & use EFT Tapping to clear your blocks
Auditions bring up so many fears for musicians or stage artists. Discover the common mistakes which sabotage your success & wha
If you've ever struggled to perform from memory the fear and past experiences can really interfere. EFT Tapping can help.
Find out 7 things that EFT Tapping is NOT and what it IS. There is a lot of misinformation out there and it's smart to understa
Clear the emotions, memories & thoughts that contribute to 'I'm not good enough' and keep you stuck.
Clear the emotions, limiting beliefs and energy that stop you and BE SEEN & HEARD FOR GREATER SUCCESS. EFT Tapping - Musicians,
How often do you say to yourself: 'I'm too __:(__' (old/young/fat/thin/stupid/shy etc)? And how does...
Are you stressed out in your artistic or performance career? Too busy and overwhelmed, or not busy enough? Tap with me to reduc
Down the YouTube rabbit hole and getting so many life-lessons from this amazing deep-clean expert. Joyful beats judgmental ever