Make space for greatness

Image source: Pixabay

This is what I've had on my mind all week: I make space for greatness.

It came from a set of four affirmations which I heard from Erin Stutland, who specializes in Mantras in Motion (and I totally recommend her book of the same name).

Here are the four affirmations:

⚡️I am strong now
⚡️I have all that I need
⚡️I make space for greatness
⚡️I call in my success

The 'greatness' one has really stuck with me.

So how do we make space for greatness? And what does that even mean?

Let's look at 4 areas; Mental, Physical, Emotional and Energetic. (And 'Spiritual' will take care of itself.)

1. Mental.

Are you already thinking 'What's Jenny on about? I'm not great. That's just not possible, I'm struggling even to get by right now.' ?

But here's the thing. Our thinking leads to our actions, leads to our results.

So the first step is to change our thinking.

And if you know me, you know that I believe that it's all about resistance and staying 'safe'.

And one way to sidestep that resistance (and still feel safe) is with the words 'I choose' and 'I'm open to....'

It could look like this:

  • I choose to make space for greatness.
  • I choose to be curious about how this could look for me.
  • I'm open to seeing where this can take me.
  • I choose to have the courage and confidence to expand into my greatness.

You get the picture.

2. Physical.

The two obstacles that come up for people over and over, when they are leveling up, expanding their reach and flexing their courage muscles, are TIME and MONEY:

So how do we make time in our lives for greatness? How would that look for you?

What's your calendar looking like?

Is it filled up, super-busy, but not on things that are truly meaningful for you?
Are you chasing your tail and completing tasks without room to so much as breathe?

  • So how about.....
    One morning a week working on what's important for you (your legacy if we want to get really serious).
  • 20 minutes every day meditating on your vision?
  • A daily 30 minute walk chanting the Mantra (and reflecting on what that looks and feels like.)
  • Or....well, you decide what would be just right for you, right now.

And money (oof the M word.)

Perhaps, when you're setting your money goal, you could factor in 'space for greatness'.

Because I talk to too many people (myself included until very recently, TBH) who allow themselves just enough, but not more.

For all kinds of reasons: not possible, too selfish, got to be humble, others won't like it, I'm a fraud, it'll be too much work, I don't deserve it, etc etc.

But if we are to be great, we need that space that money provides:

  • perhaps it's to have living space where you can truly relax and express yourself
  • perhaps it's so that you can pay for child-care or a virtual assistant
  • maybe it's so you can get a website designer so the world sees your greatness in full-technicolour glory

Which leads us to the...

3. Emotional

For a long time now I've thought of emotions, not so much as 'positive' and 'negative', as 'expansive' and 'contractive'.

Did you feel how those 'reasons' above make you kind of shrink and feel small and depressed?

Instead, say out loud: I make space for greatness.

How does that make you feel? Does it give you a boost of energy and lift your spirits? Does it make you excited and exciting to be around?

That means it's the path to take.

4. Energetic

Finally, check out my EFT Tapping Video - it's really going to get you into an emotional, mental and energetic space for greatness.

EFT tapping is the perfect way to clear any blocks that might come up for you as you read and think about this. Watch my video and tap with me to make it feel easy and natural.

What's the first baby step - or giant stride - you can take right now, today?

Let me know in the comments below. 😊

Comments 2

  1. Jean Dansak
    October 18, 2020

    Thanks for such inspiring thoughts Jenny. We really can guide our future with our thoughts!
    Right now I choose to make space for artistic endeavors and to take baby steps by dedicating 30 minutes a day to either drawing, photography, painting or writing.

    1. Jenny Clift
      June 4, 2021

      I love your idea of carving out time for your art Jean – SO important.
      Can’t wait to see the results. 💖

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