Goalsetting Made Easy

Get over your resistance to goalsetting with EFT Tapping. Here are 3 techniques and 4 good reasons for Goalsetting Made Easy.

Goalsetting Made Easy
Can You Choose ‘Good Enough’?

Can you look at yourself and say, with conviction, 'I'm good enough'? It can be hard so try 'I choose' instead.

Can You Choose ‘Good Enough’?
Hating On Yourself

When you're trapped in a negative spiral of self.criticism and loathing, what can you do about it? EFT Tapping is so helpful in

Hating On Yourself
The Power of Persistence

3 reasons why developing your persistence muscle will help you. Join me in this EFT Tapping Video for The Power of Persistence

The Power of Persistence
Get Ready to Be Seen & Heard

I truly believe that, as musicians, artists, creatives, one of our MAIN LIFE PURPOSES is...

Get Ready to Be Seen & Heard
Perform from Memory Without Stress

If you've ever struggled to perform from memory the fear and past experiences can really interfere. EFT Tapping can help.

Perform from Memory Without Stress
More Visibility = More Success!

Clear the emotions, limiting beliefs and energy that stop you and BE SEEN & HEARD FOR GREATER SUCCESS. EFT Tapping - Musicians,

More Visibility = More Success!
Not in the mood

Things to do and not in the mood? Try these 3 things to get you back on track and productive.

Not in the mood