Impostor Syndrome – Get Rid of it FAST
Do you ever feel like a fake? Use EFT Tapping to get rid of Impostor Syndrome Fast and become joyfully visible.
Do you ever feel like a fake? Use EFT Tapping to get rid of Impostor Syndrome Fast and become joyfully visible.
I truly believe that, as musicians, artists, creatives, one of our MAIN LIFE PURPOSES is...
The Strad Magazine, read world-wide by top-level players, makers and string enthusiasts, features my article EFT for Performanc
Lisa-Marie, a voice actor & singer, used Real-Time Tapping to create an amazing professional voice-over recording reel.
Got something you should be doing? Take these 5 easy steps to beat your procrastination & use EFT Tapping to clear your blocks
Auditions bring up so many fears for musicians or stage artists. Discover the common mistakes which sabotage your success & wha
If you've ever struggled to perform from memory the fear and past experiences can really interfere. EFT Tapping can help.
Find out 7 things that EFT Tapping is NOT and what it IS. There is a lot of misinformation out there and it's smart to understa
Clear the emotions, memories & thoughts that contribute to 'I'm not good enough' and keep you stuck.
Clear the emotions, limiting beliefs and energy that stop you and BE SEEN & HEARD FOR GREATER SUCCESS. EFT Tapping - Musicians,
How often do you say to yourself: 'I'm too __:(__' (old/young/fat/thin/stupid/shy etc)? And how does...
Are you stressed out in your artistic or performance career? Too busy and overwhelmed, or not busy enough? Tap with me to reduc