What’s blocking your creativity?

So many of us have blocks to our creativity. What we were told, messages and labels received. Read more...

What’s blocking your creativity?
Money Matters #2 The Metaphors of Money

Have you ever wondered why money impacts us, all of us, so greatly? Discover the hidden metaphors in 5 areas of your money...

Money Matters #2 The Metaphors of Money
EFT – The Whats, Whens and Hows

What is EFT Tapping, how can I do it, who's using it and how can it help me? Discover the whats, whens and hows of this cutting

EFT – The Whats, Whens and Hows
The Inner Meerkat

Your 'inner critic' is really just trying to keep you safe, like a furry little Meerkat. Which of the 7 types of critic do you

The Inner Meerkat
Marketing Strategies LOL!

Marketing Strategies for self-publishing my book 'The Music Inside'. Why LOL? 4 pillars of marketing for reluctant marketers.

Marketing Strategies LOL!

There is a handy little tool that I have been using lately...and creating little miracles...
